Monday, December 31, 2007


Only a few strokes away to the dawn of 2008, like all the years my déjà vu and uncertainty overcomes me. I still remember the dawn of 2004 – sindhu was in a party with her parents and she sneaked a call to wish New Year. I reckon that was the best New Year ever, although I got to talk with her just for a minute, it’s precious and etched in my heart forever. After that, each New Year begun with different voices which I can hardly recollect. Well 2006 was an eventful year as well, it so happened that Ria was the first person to wish and 5 days later we were in love, love at first sight – who wouldn’t. Now that the déjà vu part is over, let’s switch on to the uncertainty – what next?? TIME FLIES!!!! This maybe a cliché, but this one is definitely not wrong. I woke up to 2006 and am gonna sleep in 2007, I do mean the 365 day which passed by. 2007 brought about a lot of changes; I am in a different country for Christ sake!!! But this is not the only change; this year had great revelations for me, especially regarding friends. I had a real tough time with them, some of them were worth it, and some of them sure were not. I lost a few good friends, who at least I considered as good, I gained a few good friend who again “I consider to be good” you never know. But this year also marks Ria’s marriage and Sindhu’s engagement!!!! WOW!!! What a year for my love life, well, what a great year for my ex-girlfriends!!! I wouldn’t have given a damn if it was any other chick I went out with, but Ria and Sindhu?? Never mind. So yea, 2007 marked the graduation of my bachelor’s degree; I totally forgot I am a certified engineer now, only I don’t know to engineer anything. My decision to pursue my higher education in a foreign land was always elusive to me, but not anymore. But the worthiness of that decision will be known only by the dawn of 2010, not a long way huh?? When I look back at this one year to see what I achieved, I only realise that I made out with more gals than I achieved anything!!! Most people think going to Aussie to study is an achievement itself, I reckon and tom, dick and harry could do that. My next year is probably the most important on the academic side. Two semesters in a post graduate level can give a SMS of what your fate is gonna be. So it’s a long year ahead – work wise, but I realise that long year is an over statement, no epoch is long. It’s just our imagination. I thank everyone who helped me in some way to smile, succeed and achieve anything in this year. I apologise to anyone, everyone who I had hurt or ignored or made them less happy this year, I never would have intended to do it – I am sorry. It’s just 600 seconds to midnight now, I don’t see the difference between any other night and tonight, but I hope to make a difference between any other morning and tomorrow. Everyone hopes the same I reckon. Hope is a small word with a big meaning, so I hope to bring that big meaning to my small life. 2008, here I come.

PS: I thank Linkin Park for the tittle.

"Nothing is as far away as one minute ago" - Jim Bishop.

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